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Please follow our social media to get more updates on the impact Gospel for Ukraine is having both through humanitarian aid in Ukraine and through Ukrainian church plants!

Benjamin Morrison, Executive Director of Gospel for Ukraine

Benjamin took his first trip to Ukraine in 2001 with Calvary Chapel Bible College of Indianapolis (CCBCI). During that first summer, God laid a burden and calling on Benjamin’s life to share the gospel of grace with the people of Ukraine. After graduating Bible college (Th.A.), he moved to Ukraine in January of 2002. Benjamin has been serving as the head pastor of Calvary Chapel in Svitlovodsk, Ukraine since 2005.

Benjamin also received his bachelor’s in theology (B.Th.) from Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe (CCBCE). Since 2020, he has been serving as the Training Coordinator for City to City Europe. He is also the coordinator for City to City Ukraine and often speaks at various conferences.

In response to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, Benjamin and the church have been serving Ukrainians who are suffering due to war. He is currently the Executive Director of Gospel for Ukraine.

Curtis Johnson (Treasurer) & Benjamin Morrison (Executive Director) of Gospel for Ukraine